Author name: Vincent Racaniello

I'm Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Columbia University in New York. I run a research lab where we study poliovirus, rhinovirus, and other RNA viruses. I also love teaching about viruses - check out,, or iTunes University for some of my offerings. I want to be Earth's virology professor.

Influenza virus transmission

Influenza virus may be transmitted among humans in three ways: (1) by direct contact with infected individuals; (2) by contact with contaminated objects (called fomites, such as toys, doorknobs); and (3) by inhalation of virus-laden aerosols. The contribution of each mode to overall transmission of influenza is not known. However, CDC recommendations to control influenza …

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Swine influenza, seasonality, and the northern hemisphere

I have received several questions about my assertion that the northern hemisphere is safe, at least until the fall, from an epidemic of A/California/09/2009 influenza virus. Here are two representative questions: If I recall correctly, Spanish flu hit hardest during the summer and fall. As for the swine flu, is it impossible (and why?) to …

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