Chikungunya: An exotic virus on the move

aedes-albopictusI recall learning about chikungunya1 virus when I was a Ph.D. student in the late 1970s – only because its exotic name made an impression on me. The virus, first identified in Tanzania in 1953, causes severe rashes and joint pains, but is rarely fatal, and the infection was considered benign. The outbreaks were massive, but largely confined to developing countries in Africa and Asia. I was surprised to discover several years ago that the virus had moved into Europe and was threatening the United States. What changed to bring this third-world viral disease into the forefront of public concern?

Since its discovery over 50 years ago, infection by chikungunya virus was known to be spread by mosquitoes, primarily Aedes aegypti, which feeds almost exclusively on humans. In 2004, an outbreak of chikungunya disease started in Kenya and spread to islands in the Indian Ocean and finally India, where it had not been reported for 32 years. On Reunion, one of the Indian Ocean Islands, nearly 40% of the population of 785,000 fell ill. An outbreak in Italy three years later, the first ever in Europe, was started by an infected traveler from India. Cases of chikungunya have been reported in travelers returning to the US, although transmission within the country has not been reported.

The rapid global movement of chikungunya virus appears to be a consequence of a change in its mosquito vector. Some time during 2005 a virus was selected with a single amino acid change in the envelope glycoprotein which allows efficient replication in Aedes albopictus, the predominant mosquito in Reunion. This mosquito was never a good host for chikungunya virus, partly because it bites so many different animal species. The amino acid change enhances viral replication in the mosquito, leading to much higher levels of virus in the salivary gland. Consequently the virus is more likely to be transmitted upon biting a new host.

To further complicate matters, not only is Aedes albopictus now a good host for chikungunya virus, but the mosquito is spreading across the globe from eastern Asia to Europe and the United States. The mosquito was first found in the New World in 1985 when it was isolated in Houston, Texas. It probably traveled there from northern Asia in ships carrying scrap tires. But there are at least five other reasons to worry about Aedes albopictus: the mosquito has also been found to carry eastern equine encephalitis, Keystone, Tensaw, Cache Valley, and Potosi viruses.

1Chikungunya is believed to be derived from an East African dialect describing the contorted posture of patients with the severe joint pain characteristic of this disease.

Enserink, M. (2007). INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Chikungunya: No Longer a Third World Disease Science, 318 (5858), 1860-1861 DOI: 10.1126/science.318.5858.1860

Vazeille, M., Moutailler, S., Coudrier, D., Rousseaux, C., Khun, H., Huerre, M., Thiria, J., Dehecq, J., Fontenille, D., Schuffenecker, I., Despres, P., & Failloux, A. (2007). Two Chikungunya Isolates from the Outbreak of La Reunion (Indian Ocean) Exhibit Different Patterns of Infection in the Mosquito, Aedes albopictus PLoS ONE, 2 (11) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001168

Tsetsarkin, K., Vanlandingham, D., McGee, C., & Higgs, S. (2007). A Single Mutation in Chikungunya Virus Affects Vector Specificity and Epidemic Potential PLoS Pathogens, 3 (12) DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.0030201

8 thoughts on “Chikungunya: An exotic virus on the move”

  1. Raivo Pommer

    UniCredit krise

    Die italienische Großbank UniCredit will wegen der anhaltenden Finanzkrise staatliche Unterstützung in Milliardenhöhe beantragen.

    Der Aufsichtsrat habe Konzernchef Alessandro Profumo ermächtigt, Hilfen in Höhe von bis zu 4 Milliarden Euro auszuhandeln, teilte das Unternehmen am Mittwoch in Mailand mit. Die deutsche Tochter HypoVereinsbank (HVB) sieht sich hingegen auch nach einem Verlust im vergangenen Jahr nicht als Kandidat für das staatliche Banken-Rettungspaket in Deutschland.

    Mit einer Kernkapitalquote von mehr als 14 Prozent liege die Kapitalbasis der HVB auch im internationalen Vergleich deutlich über dem Branchendurchschnitt, sagte der neue Vorstandschef Theodor Weimer am Mittwoch in München.

    Angesichts dieser Kapitalausstattung werde ein Antrag auf Unterstützung beim Rettungsfonds SoFFin nicht ansatzweise in Betracht gezogen. Im vergangenen Jahr machte die HypoVereinsbank unter dem Strich einen Verlust von 671 Millionen Euro – nach einem Gewinn von gut 2 Milliarden Euro im Vorjahr. Besonders betroffen war die Sparte Investmentbanking.

    Ihre Kunden versorge die HypoVereinsbank aber auch weiterhin mit Geld, eine Kreditklemme gebe es nicht. “Wir entziehen uns dieser Verpflichtung nicht, wir sind eine Bank und stehen zu unseren volkswirtschaftlichen Aufgaben”, sagte Weimer. Die HypoVereinsbank gelte bei den Kunden als krisensichere Bank. “Bei uns hat man keine Angst, dass wir über den Bach gehen.”

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  4. Colleen McCord

    Do you know the population in the United States that currently have the virus? Myself and two other people in NJ (that I know of ) have a strange joint pain illness that hasn't been explained by any Rheumatological conditions, Lyme tests or any other medical impairment. All live in the SOUTHERN NJ region, had about 6 months of extreme exhaustion, fevers, joint pain mostly in the hands, feet knees and elbows….I've also experienced tingling and sensitivity to noise/sound with ringing in 1 ear. Ive been tested for over 1 full year to the fullest extent but have never had the CHIK test…any suggestions? I'm currently being tested for CMV igm, IgG, Ballesia Igm, Igg, my CRP and Sed Rate and TSH as well as Chaffeensis AB from Ticks…. I've tried all OTC Meds, even a Fibromyalgia med and nothing helps…except Vicoden….could this be Chikungunya?

  5. The virus hasn't been found in the US yet, just the mosquito. The
    disease usually resolves within a week, so if you have similar
    symptoms lasting a year it's likely to be some other cause.

  6. Colleen McCord

    Do you know the population in the United States that currently have the virus? Myself and two other people in NJ (that I know of ) have a strange joint pain illness that hasn't been explained by any Rheumatological conditions, Lyme tests or any other medical impairment. All live in the SOUTHERN NJ region, had about 6 months of extreme exhaustion, fevers, joint pain mostly in the hands, feet knees and elbows….I've also experienced tingling and sensitivity to noise/sound with ringing in 1 ear. Ive been tested for over 1 full year to the fullest extent but have never had the CHIK test…any suggestions? I'm currently being tested for CMV igm, IgG, Ballesia Igm, Igg, my CRP and Sed Rate and TSH as well as Chaffeensis AB from Ticks…. I've tried all OTC Meds, even a Fibromyalgia med and nothing helps…except Vicoden….could this be Chikungunya?

  7. The virus hasn't been found in the US yet, just the mosquito. The
    disease usually resolves within a week, so if you have similar
    symptoms lasting a year it's likely to be some other cause.

  8. Pingback: Una picadura endémica: el virus Chikungunya. | Investigar en tiempos revueltos

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