
Virology lecture #5: Attachment and entry

Download: .wmv (386 MB) | .mp4 (131 MB) There are some errors in this lecture - I'll correct them during the next session. Visit the virology W3310 home page for a complete list of course resources.

Now playing: Viral plaque formation

One of the most important procedures in virology is measuring the virus titer €“ the concentration of viruses in a sample. A widely used approach for determining the quantity of infectious virus is the plaque assay. In this technique, the spread of progeny viruses released by individually infected cells is ...

Virology lecture #4: Structure of viruses

Download: .wmv (394 MB) | .mp4 (110 MB) Visit the virology W3310 home page for a complete list of course resources.

TWiV 68: Ode to a plaque

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Rich Condit Vincent, Alan, and Rich are enthralled by movies of vaccinia virus plaque formation, then consider how repulsion of superinfection virions leads to rapid virus spread, and a therapeutic prostate cancer vaccine. This episode is sponsored by Data Robotics Inc. Use the promotion ...

TWiP 4: Trichinella life cycle

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier On episode 4 of the podcast "This Week in Parasitism", Vincent and Dick trace the life cycle of Trichinella spiralis in an infected host. [powerpress url=""] Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiP is brought to you by the American ...
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