
TWiP 38: How to Trichomonas

On episode #38 of the science show This Week in Parasitism, Vincent and Dickson tackle the backlog of listener email, then consider the life cycle and pathogenesis of Trichomonas vaginalis, the flagellated protozoan transmitted by sexual contact. You can find TWiP #38 at

TWiV 177: Live in Dublin

On episode #177 of the science show This Week in Virology, Vincent, Connor Bamford, Wendy Barclay, and Ron Fouchier discussed avian influenza H5N1 transmission experiments in ferrets and novel bunyaviruses at the 2012 Spring Conference of the Society for General Microbiology in Dublin, Ireland. You can find TWiV #177 at

NSABB reverses decision on publication of H5N1 results

The National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) has re-examined two manuscripts on the transmissibility of influenza H5N1 virus in ferrets: After careful deliberation, the NSABB unanimously recommended that this revised Kawaoka manuscript should be communicated in full. The NSABB also recommended, in a 12 to 6 decision, the communication ...

Educating the world about microbes

I just returned from Dublin where I was honored to receive the Peter Wildy Prize for Microbiology Education from the Society for General Microbiology. This prize is awarded annually for an outstanding contribution to microbiology education, including university teaching, education of the general public, school pupils or professional groups. Below is ...

TWiV 176: Ave, magi virorum!

On episode #176 of the podcast This Week in Virology, Vincent, Alan, and Rich answer listener email about MS, CFS, EBV, B cells, virii, influenza B, scientific papers, and more. You can find TWiV #176 at
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