
TWiV Special: Dr. Peter Palese

On a special episode of the podcast “This Week in Virology”, Vincent speaks with Dr. Peter Palese, noted influenza expert, about the origin and pandemic potential of the new H1N1 influenza virus. [powerpress url=”″] Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiV Special or subscribe in  iTunes or by email

Influenza virus attachment to cells: role of different sialic acids

As we discussed previously, attachment of all influenza A virus strains to cells requires sialic acids. However, there are a number of chemically different forms of sialic acids, and influenza virus strains vary in their affinity for them. These differences may determine which animal species can be infected. In the example shown below, sialic acid …

Influenza virus attachment to cells: role of different sialic acids Read More »

Nucleotide sequences of influenza A/Mexico/2009 (H1N1) viruses available

Here at virology blog we have been speculating for a week why sequences of the Mexican influenza virus isolates have not been available. Today we received a comment from Dr. Ruben Donis, who we quoted in a previous post. Dr. Donis wrote: Thank you for the nice vignette about the ScienceInsider interview. I would like to …

Nucleotide sequences of influenza A/Mexico/2009 (H1N1) viruses available Read More »

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