Trial By Error: Australian GP Group Recommends “Incremental Physical Activity” for “CFS/ME” Patients

By David Tuller, DrPH What’s going on with Aussie members of the graded exercise therapy cult? (Oops!—I meant the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, a trade and professional organization. Sorry!) In 2019, I wrote about the organization’s guidance for “CFS/ME.” This guidance, published in 2015, was part of the group’s Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions …

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Trial By Error: Will MAGENTA’s Null Results Finally End Professor Crawley’s Long ‘Reign of Error’?

By David Tuller, DrPH For years, Professor Esther Crawley, the University of Bristol’s methodologically and ethically challenged ME/CFS investigator, has hoovered up millions of pounds from public and private funders to support her misbegotten research. She achieved this success as a grant magnet despite abundant and easily available evidence that she was violating core principles …

Trial By Error: Will MAGENTA’s Null Results Finally End Professor Crawley’s Long ‘Reign of Error’? Read More »

Trial By Error: German Draft Report on ME/CFS Raises Alarms for Promoting CBT and GET

By David Tuller, DrPH The European ME Coalition (EMEC) has published a statement about and an analysis of a recently released report about ME/CFS from a Germany agency, the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). With EMEC’s permission, I have re-posted the statement in full below. The original post can be found …

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Trial By Error: Research From GET/CBT Ideological Brigades Shows No Improvements in Work Status

By David Tuller, DrPH Last year, Mark Vink, a Dutch physician with ME/CFS, and Friso Vink-Niese, an independent researcher, published a review of occupational outcomes among ME/CFS patients after treatment with either graded exercise therapy (GET) and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The results were not pretty. When viewed specifically through the perspective of employment status, …

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Trial By Error: More Science-as-Promotion from the GET Campaigners

By David Tuller, DrPH Professor Trudie Chalder, Professor Peter White and like-minded members of the CBT/GET ideological brigades have appeared desperate in the last year to promote their favored interventions, publishing one shoddy paper after another. This stream of sewage has seemed intended  to influence the new ME/CFS clinical guidelines that Britain’s National Institute for …

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