How the Viruses Within Us Protect Us From Other Viruses

by Gertrud U. Rey Did you know that eight percent of the human genome consists of DNA sequences that are derived from retroviruses? These “endogenous retroviruses” (ERVs) represent concrete evidence for retroviral infections that occurred in our ancestors. Although ERVs have no viral activity, an accumulating body of evidence suggests that they are not entirely …

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Retroviruses and the placenta, a remarkable relationship

Retroviruses have been infecting vertebrates for over 450 million years. Because retroviral DNA integrates into host cell DNA, the vertebrate genome is littered with remnants of these infections. Some of this retroviral DNA has been co-opted by the cell for a variety of beneficial purposes, such as development of the placenta and the control of …

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TWiV 439: The purloined envelope

Paul Bieniasz joins the TWiV team to talk about the co-option, millions of years ago, of an endogenous retrovirus envelope protein by hominid ancestors for host defense against viral infection.   You can find TWiV #439 at, or listen. below. Click arrow to play Download TWiV 439 (74 MB .mp3, 122 min) Subscribe (free): iTunes, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV!