David Tuller

Trial By Error: My Follow-Up Letter to the British Journal of General Practice

By David Tuller, DrPH Two weeks ago, I exchanged e-mails with Professor Roger Jones, editor of the British Journal of General Practice. I asked him to correct a false statement in an editorial about the cost of so-called medically unexplained symptoms to the National Health Service. In response, he invited ...

Trial By Error: A Plea to Fiona Godlee on a Familiar Topic

By David Tuller, DrPH On Wednesday, I sent the following to Dr Fiona Godlee, editorial director of BMJ. The topic, once again, was the ethically and methodologically challenged Lightning Process study, which was published two years ago in Archives of Disease in Childhood, a BMJ journal. My letter was prompted ...

Trial By Error: A Crowdfunding Wrap-Up

By David Tuller, DrPH This wrap-up is almost two weeks late, but things keep cropping up! It goes without saying that I am extremely gratified by the support for my April crowdfunding on Berkeley's in-house platform. The university received 1025 donations totally $103,283 for "Trial By Error." Of those donations, ...

Trial By Error: My Most Recent Exchange with Bristol

By David Tuller, DrPH Last month, I sent Sue Paterson, Bristol University’s director of legal services, a couple of e-mails seeking answers to several questions. Those e-mails can be read here and here. I cc-d a few other people. On Friday, May 10, I received a response. This morning, I ...

Trial By Error: My Exchange with the British Journal of General Practice

By David Tuller, DrPH Update: Not long after I posted this, I sent the following short follow-up note to Dr Jones and the others I'd cc-d: Dear Dr Jones-- In re-reading my response to you, I noticed that I made an error in the third paragraph when I referred to ...
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