David Tuller

Trial By Error: CBT Model of Medically Unexplained Symptoms, Explained; CBT Trial for Q-Fever Fatigue

By David Tuller, DrPH As I have recently written, four major clinical trials of CBT for so-called MUS have documented the opposite of what the investigators hoped to prove. In fact, the evidence from this research suggests that CBT is not an effective treatment for these conditions. That hasn't stopped ...

Trial By Error: Medical Societies and new Komaroff-Lipkin Paper Highlight Long COVID and ME/CFS Links

By David Tuller, DrPH While some medical professionals argue that prolonged non-specific symptoms after acute COVID-19 are psychogenic and that "Long COVID" as a presumed clinical entity was concocted by a cabal of queers and feminists, others are getting on with efforts to disseminate more appropriate information to their colleagues. ...

Trial By Error: Some Lightning Process Updates

By David Tuller, DrPH A Final Round in Norway Lightning Process supporters got some bad news recently when a Norwegian national research ethics panel rejected a proposed study because it was poorly designed and fraught with conflicts of interest, as I wrote about here. But that wasn't the end of ...

Trial By Error: Professor Steven Lubet on Misogyny, Homophobia and Long COVID Denialism

By David Tuller, DrPH My friend and colleague Steven Lubet is a professor of law at Northwestern University. He and I have collaborated on a number of articles, including a response to Professor Michael Sharpe's views on so-called "medically unexplained symptoms" in the journal Medical Humanities and a piece on ...

Trial By Error: Professor White & Colleagues “Regret” Ignoring Null Results in GETSET Trial Follow-Up

By David Tuller, DrPHLast week, I wrote about the correction made to the "Highlights" section of the paper reporting the long-term follow-up results for the GETSET trial. (The trial was conducted by Professor Peter White, one of the three lead PACE investigators, and colleagues.)  I noted that this correction was ...
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