
Rhinoviruses have a sweet tooth

Viral infections often lead to alterations in the energy-generating and precursor synthesizing pathways of a cell, to provide the building blocks and energy to produce new virus particles. The latest example is rhinovirus: infected cells mobilize glucose from extra- and intracellular pools, which is essential for viral replication.

Trial By Error: FITNET-NHS Recruitment Ad Promotes “Recovery”

By David Tuller, DrPH A British medical education company has recently disseminated a recruitment ad for a high-profile pediatric study of treatment for what it calls CFS/ME. The recruitment ad’s headline describes the intervention being investigated as effective, without caveat or reservation. (Full headline: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME): effective home treatment for teenagers) To back …

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Trial By Error: More Mayo, Please…

By David Tuller, DrPH Two years ago, the Mayo Clinic referred Lisa Alioto, a patient diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, to a three-day rehabilitation program–a mini-version of a multi-week program designed for those with a grab-bag of chronic pain and related conditions. These conditions, as listed on the Mayo website, include fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, …

Trial By Error: More Mayo, Please… Read More »

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