
Trial By Error: My Berkeley Crowdfunding Appeal

By David Tuller, DrPH And here’s the crowdfunding link without any preamble: https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/project/14941 And here’s what I’ve written in the appeal: So it€™s been a year since the last crowdfunding campaign for Trial By Error–my investigative reporting and public health project. While Trial By Error began 3+ years ago as an in-depth look at the …

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Trial By Error: A Bit More on Kaiser Permanente

By David Tuller, DrPH BerkeleyWellness.com has posted a version of my interview with Dr Steve Olson. He’s the Kaiser Permanente guy who is revamping the health system’s approach to ME/CFS, which is what they are now calling the disease. Dr Olson is planning to attend this week’s research gathering at the National Institutes of Health, …

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Trial By Error: My Letter to Professor Hotopf About Bristol’s School Absence Study

By David Tuller, DrPH Matthew Hotopf is a professor of general medicine psychiatry at King’s College London. He served as a peer-reviewer for a study by Bristol University investigators that was published in BMJ Open in 2011. The study involved whether school absences could be used to identify cases of diagnosed CFS/ME (as the study …

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