Author name: David Tuller

Trial By Error: A Short Talk for UK Docs and Researchers

By David Tuller, DrPH This morning (Wednesday) I gave an informal online talk about the piece of crap known as the PACE trial to a small group of UK doctors, researchers and others. The group had been pulled together by Paul Garner, a physician and professor of infectious diseases at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. …

Trial By Error: A Short Talk for UK Docs and Researchers Read More »

Trial By Error: UK Docs Speak Up on Long-Covid; Mayo Shifts Gears (a Little)

By David Tuller, DrPH Doctors in UK urge caution on long-Covid exercise advice Despite BMJ’s current dereliction of key editorial oversight responsibilities, it has provided a forum for members of the medical community with Covid-19 and post-Covid symptoms to express their strong views. The reference to current dereliction of key editorial responsibilities involves a case …

Trial By Error: UK Docs Speak Up on Long-Covid; Mayo Shifts Gears (a Little) Read More »

Trial By Error: What Is the Dynamic Neural Retraining System?

By David Tuller, DrPH The Lightning Process, which I have covered extensively, isn’t the only program out there making big assertions about its impact on how the brain functions. These assertions piggyback on the emerging science of neuroplasticity and related concepts and involve the brain’s capacity to generate new neural pathways when it adapts to …

Trial By Error: What Is the Dynamic Neural Retraining System? Read More »

Trial By Error: The Lightning Process Strikes Again

By David Tuller, DrPH The Lightning Process was founded more than two decades ago by Phil Parker, a British Tarot reader and specialist in auras and spiritual guides. The LP, as it is often called, could be described as “a neuro-physiological training programme based on self-coaching, concepts from Positive Psychology, Osteopathy and Neuro Linguistic Programming,” …

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Trial By Error: FITNET-NHS Falls Short in Recruitment Drive

By David Tuller, DrPH Professor Esther Crawley, Bristol University’s methodologically and ethically challenged pediatrician and star researcher, has weighed in with an interim analysis of FITNET-NHS, her trial of online cognitive behavior therapy for adolescents with what she calls CFS/ME. Poor Professor Crawley! Despite her ambitious goal of enrolling a whopping 734 participants, early recruitment …

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