Author name: Vincent Racaniello

I'm Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Columbia University in New York. I run a research lab where we study poliovirus, rhinovirus, and other RNA viruses. I also love teaching about viruses - check out,, or iTunes University for some of my offerings. I want to be Earth's virology professor.

Influenza 101

Soon after the new influenza H1N1 strain emerged in April 2009, I began a series of blog posts on basic aspects of influenza virus replication and pathogenesis. The goal of this series is to provide information that will allow everyone to better understand the events surrounding emergence and spread of the new pandemic strain. Unfortunately …

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Ian Lipkin at Pop!Tech 2008

My colleague Ian Lipkin has developed new methods to rapidly identify pathogens. At Pop!Tech 2008, he explained how an increased understanding of zoonotic diseases, together with advancements in diagnostic technology, are helping to detect the next emerging virus.

TWiV 37: Open access

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Eric O. Freed On episode 37 of the podcast “This Week in Virology ” (TWiV), Vincent, Alan, and Eric Freed talk about vesivirus contamination of bioreactors, pandemic influenza, maximizing the effect of vaccination by targeting children, chikungunya virus, and open access scientific journals. [powerpress url=”″] Click the arrow above …

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