Conversations from Penn State: Emerging Diseases

In the current episode of the Penn State University interview series called “Conversations from Penn State“, Peter Hudson, who is Willaman professor of biology and director of Penn State’s Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, discusses the dynamics of infectious diseases, their spread, and their transmission from animals to humans.

2 thoughts on “Conversations from Penn State: Emerging Diseases”

  1. Phillip Huggan

    It looks like a type of GMO potatoes cause Swine Flu:
    Only USA, Canada, UK, Auzzies, and Chile produce these potatoes. Everyone missed the Chile case signal I suspect because everyone assumed case reporting assymetries. French fry consumption is also correlated with modern health services economies…

    1) If true this swings the pendulum in favour of *extensive* GMO labelling and EU's prudent stand on GMOs now looks defensible. The Prince was right about organic farming.
    2) You'd want to not feed these potatoes to pigs and birds especially, and probably other animals. A diet of these potatoes may even be the source of the outbreak in a Mexican pig farm.
    3) Don't plant this strain next year and consider abandoning potatoes in the ground now (maybe can be frozen until flu subsides but I doubt it).
    4) Pull these potatoes and issue recalls in all areas where bird flu cases have been reported. Same for regions where immediate starvation/malnutrition isn't threatened. Work to remove from other regions ASAP.

  2. Phillip Huggan

    It looks like a type of GMO potatoes cause Swine Flu:
    Only USA, Canada, UK, Auzzies, and Chile produce these potatoes. Everyone missed the Chile case signal I suspect because everyone assumed case reporting assymetries. French fry consumption is also correlated with modern health services economies…

    1) If true this swings the pendulum in favour of *extensive* GMO labelling and EU's prudent stand on GMOs now looks defensible. The Prince was right about organic farming.
    2) You'd want to not feed these potatoes to pigs and birds especially, and probably other animals. A diet of these potatoes may even be the source of the outbreak in a Mexican pig farm.
    3) Don't plant this strain next year and consider abandoning potatoes in the ground now (maybe can be frozen until flu subsides but I doubt it).
    4) Pull these potatoes and issue recalls in all areas where bird flu cases have been reported. Same for regions where immediate starvation/malnutrition isn't threatened. Work to remove from other regions ASAP.

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