
When Theory Becomes Law

Usually I hate to dignify the views of proponents of creationism and intelligent design by discussing them. Their views are so off-base, that they are not worth time. But as their influence grows, we do need to ensure that they don't gain ground. With this in mind, Clive Thompson has ...

MRSA is NOT a virus

The other night, I was in a restaurant with my family, and my kids' golf coach asked me what I did. I told him I was a Professor of Microbiology. Then he asked me, 'What is that virus that kills athletes....mersa...?' He was referring to multiple drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or ...

Polio in Nigeria

Recently there has been an outbreak of polio in Nigeria caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus, VDPV. This outbreak is not unusual except that it is the largest so far caused by VDPV. The first outbreak caused by VDPV was in the Dominican Republic/Haiti in 2001. But the Nigeria outbreak is of ...

Polio and Nobel Prizes

I often lecture about polioviruses and poliovirus vaccines, and I am frequently asked why Salk or Sabin did not receive the Nobel Prize. I usually tell students because Salk did not discover anything new, but simply put together existing technologies in a productive way. Sabin once said that Salk didn't ...


When journal articles began to appear online in pdf form, I started to collect them on my computer's hard drive. In theory the pdfs can be accessed very quickly, as opposed to finding a printed article in a filing cabinet. To help find papers more quickly, I devised a filing ...
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