
TWiP 10: Plasmodium life cycle

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier On episode 10 of the podcast "This Week in Parasitism", Vincent and Dickson trace the life cycle of Plasmodium in a mosquito and in a human host. [powerpress url=""] Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiP is brought to you by the ...

XMRV in human respiratory tract

An important question about the retrovirus XMRV, which has been implicated in prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome, is where the virus replicates in humans. Such information would provide clues about how infection might be transmitted. To date the virus has been detected in malignant prostate cells and in the ...

Google Flu Trends is not accurate

Google Flu Trends uses analysis of large numbers of search queries to track influenza-like illness in a population. The idea is that the frequency of certain queries correlates with the percentage of physician visits in which a patient presents with influenza-like symptoms. Google claims that it can accurately estimate the ...

Virology lecture #24: Unusual infectious agents

Download: .wmv (350 MB) | .mp4 (96 MB) Visit the virology W3310 home page for a complete list of course resources.

TWiV 82: Immunology in silico

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Rich Condit On episode #82 of the podcast This Week in Virology (TWiV), Vincent and Rich talk about how thymic selection of T cells might lead to better control of HIV-1 infection, and a mouse model for severe antibody-induced dengue virus disease. This episode is sponsored ...
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