
World Polio Day

Today, 24 October 2012, is World Polio Day: World Polio Day (October 24) was established by Rotary International over a decade ago to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. Use of this inactivated poliovirus vaccine and subsequent widespread use ...

Spillover and science communication

David Quammen, whose book Spillover was recently published, has been the recipient of a good deal of publicity in the past week. Last Wednesday he participated in a New York Academy of Sciences Symposium called 'Wrath Goes Viral'; on Saturday he was profiled in the New York Times (The Subject is ...

TWiV 204: M m m my corona

On episode #204 of the science show This Week in Virology, Vincent, Alan, Matt and Kathy review isolation of a new coronavirus from two patients in the Middle East, and expansion of the enteric virome during simian AIDS. You can find TWiV #204 at

An RNA virus that infects Archaea?

Every different life form on earth can probably be infected with at least one type of virus, if not many more. Most of these viruses have not yet been discovered: just over 2,000 viral species are recognized. While the majority of the known viruses infect bacteria and eukaryotes, there are ...

TWiV 203: Mark Challberg, a cold room kind of guy

On episode #203 of the science show This Week in Virology, Vincent and Rich meet up with Mark Challberg to talk about his scientific career studying viral DNA replication, and his transition to an NIH Program Officer. You can find TWiV #203 at
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