
Vaccine-associated poliomyelitis in Pakistan

An outbreak of ten cases of poliomyelitis caused by circulating vaccine-derivied poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) is ongoing in Pakistan, centered in the Kila Abdulla/Pishin area of Baluchistan. The same virus strain has spread to the neighboring Kandahar province in Afghanistan, where two paralytic cases have been reported. Vaccine-derived poliomyelitis is ...

HIV among US youth

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released its latest estimates on the number of new HIV infections in the United States: HIV remains a serious health problem, with an estimated 47,500 people becoming newly infected with the virus in the United States in 2010. Youth make up 7% of ...

NIH grant success rate hits all time low

Informative and sobering blog post from Sally Rockey, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, on 2011 grant application success rates. It's all summarized in this graph, taken from the NIH Data Book: The success rate, which is the number of funded grants divided by the number of applications, has dropped ...

NIH head defends new center for translational science

Head of the US National Institutes of Health Francis Collins was asked some tough questions by a House of Representatives subcommittee examining the new National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NCATS. The goal of the new center, opened in 2012, is to reduce the amount of time needed to develop ...

TWiV 211: Viruses r us

On episode #211 of the science show This Week in Virology, the TWiV four discuss an mRNA-based influenza vaccine, and a phage tubulin that forms a filamentous array in the host cell that is needed for positioning viral DNA. You can find TWiV #211 at
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