Virology Course 2019

Virology – Biology 3310/4310

Spring 2019

The complete 2018 virology course materials are available at

viral video

This Columbia University virology course is offered each year in the spring semester.

Prerequisite: Two semesters of a rigorous, molecularly-oriented Introductory Biology course (such as C2005), or the Instructor’s permission (

Course Name: Virology
Sessions: M, W 4:10 – 5:25 PM
Start date: Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Points: 3
Location: Pupin 301
Course #: Biology UN3310.001 or GR4310.001
Instructor: Prof. V. Racaniello


The basic thesis of the course is that all viruses adopt a common strategy. The strategy is simple:

1. Viral genomes are contained in metastable particles.

2. Genomes encode gene products that promote an infectious cycle (mechanisms for genomes to enter cells, replicate, and exit in particles).

3. Infection patterns range from benign to lethal; infections can overcome or co-exist with host defenses.

Despite the apparent simplicity, the tactics evolved by particular virus families to survive and prosper are remarkable. This rich set of solutions to common problems in host/parasite interactions provides significant insight and powerful research tools. Virology has enabled a more detailed understanding of the structure and function of molecules, cells and organisms and has provided fundamental understanding of disease and virus evolution.

The course will emphasize the common reactions that must be completed by all viruses for successful reproduction within a host cell and survival and spread within a host population. The molecular basis of alternative reproductive cycles, the interactions of viruses with host organisms, and how these lead to disease are presented with examples drawn from a set of representative animal and human viruses, although selected bacterial viruses will be discussed.


The recommended textbook is Principles of Virology. Vol I: Molecular Biology, Vol. II: Pathogenesis and Control (S.J. Flint et al., Third Edition, ASM Press 2015).

Other course resources

1. Students should read Prof. Racaniello’s virology blog for information relevant to the course.

2. Students should listen to the weekly podcast “This Week in Virology”, produced by Prof. Racaniello, for additional material about viruses relevant to the course. You can subscribe to TWiV at iTunes.

3. Lecture slides (pdf) will be posted at this website before each class.

4. Videocasts of all lectures (slides plus audio) will be posted at this website.

Lecture Schedule, Spring 2019

Date Topic Reading Slides Study Questions Video
1/23 Lecture 1: What is a virus? Flint Vol I Chp 1
€¢The virus and the virion
€¢Cell size and scale
pdf Word YouTube
1/28 Lecture 2: The infectious cycle Flint Vol I Chp 2
€¢Influenza virus growth in eggs
€¢The amazing cells of Henrietta Lacks
€¢Counting Viruses
€¢Viral RNA is not infectious virus
pdf Word YouTube
1/30 Lecture 3: Genomes and genetics Flint Vol I Chp 3
€¢The Baltimore scheme
pdf Word YouTube
2/4 Lecture 4: Structure Flint Vol I Chp 4
€¢Structure of influenza virus
€¢Virus images at ViperDB
pdf Word YouTube
2/6 Lecture 5: Attachment and entry Flint Vol I Chp 5
€¢Influenza virus attachment to cells
€¢Influenza virus attachment to cells: Role of different sialic acids
€¢A single amino acid change switches avian influenza H5n1 and H7N9 viruses to human receptors
€¢Molecular movies of viruses
pdf Word YouTube
2/11 Lecture 6: RNA directed RNA synthesis Flint Vol I Chp 6
€¢Influenza viral RNA synthesis
pdf Word YouTube
2/13 Exam I
2/18 Lecture 7: Transcription and RNA processing Flint Vol I Chp 8 through p277 Chp 10 through p364 pdf Word YouTube
2/14 Lecture 8: Viral DNA replication Flint Vol I Chp 9 pdf Word YouTube
2/20 Lecture 9: Reverse transcription and integration Flint Vol I Chp 7
€¢Museum pelts help date the Koala retrovirus
€¢Unexpected endogenous retroviruses
A retrovirus makes chicken eggshells blue
Reverse transcription animation
pdf Word YouTube
2/25 Lecture 10: Assembly Flint Vol I Chapters 12 and 13
€¢Packaging of the segmented influenza virus genome
€¢What if influenza virus did not reassort?
pdf Word YouTube
3/4 Lecture 11: The Infected Cell Flint Vol I Chp 14
€¢Metabolic manipulations in virus-infected cells
€¢Rhinoviruses have a sweet tooth
pdf Word YouTube
3/6 Exam II
3/11 Lecture 12: Infection basics Flint Vol II Chapters 1 and 2
€¢Transmission of influenza
Slow motion sneezing
Chikungunya an exotic virus on the move
Do the tropics have a flu season?
How mosquitoes spread viruses
pdf Word YouTube
3/13 Lecture 13: Intrinsic and innate defenses Flint Vol II Chapter 3
€¢The inflammatory response
Natural antibody protects against viral infection
pdf Word YouTube
3/18 Spring Recess
3/20 Spring Recess
3/25 Lecture 14: Adaptive immunity Flint Vol II Chapter 4 pdf Word YouTube
3/27 Lecture 15: Mechanisms of pathogenesis Flint Vol II Chapter 5 pdf Word YouTube
4/1 Lecture 16: Acute infections Flint Vol II Chapter 5
€¢Acute viral infections
Chronology of an acute infection
pdf Word YouTube
4/3 Lecture 17: Persistent infections Flint Vol II Chapter 5 pdf Word YouTube
4/8 Lecture 18: Transformation and oncogenesis Flint Vol II Chapter 6 pdf Word YouTube
4/10 Exam III
4/15 Lecture 19: Vaccines Flint Vol II Chapter 8
€¢Influenza virus-like particle vaccine
Poliovirus vaccine safety
pdf Word YouTube
4/17 Lecture 20: Antivirals Flint Vol II Chapter 9
€¢Treating hepatitis C by blocking a cellular microRNA
TWiV 270: Homeland virology (developing a smallpox antiviral)
pdf Word YouTube
4/22 Lecture 21: Evolution Flint Vol II Chapter 10
€¢Virulence – a positive or negative trait for evolution?
€¢Increased fidelity reduces viral fitness
pdf Word YouTube
4/24 Lecture 22: Emerging viruses Flint Vol II Chapter 11
€¢Heartland virus disease
pdf Word YouTube
4/29 Lecture 23: HIV and AIDS Flint Vol II Chapter 6
€¢Blocking HIV infection with two soluble receptors
€¢Interview with Beatrice Hahn
pdf Word YouTube
5/1 No Lecture
5/6 Lecture 24: Viral gene therapy Flint Vol I Chapter 3
€¢TWiV 350: Viral gene therapy with Katherine High
€¢Virus Watch: Cancer killing viruses
pdf Word YouTube
5/13 Exam IV

83 thoughts on “Virology Course 2019”

  1. Hello Dr. Racaniello,

    Thank you for your wonderful lectures. I have A question about end point dilution assay. When you make a uniform suspension of virus and plate replicates/dilution in a a plate. How come the cytopathic effect is observed in whole-number (rather than fraction)of well. So could it have half cytopathic effect in all the 10 wells (1/2 per well) and still be TCID50?
    PS -I am new to virology

  2. Pingback: Lessons from the Flu

  3. Pingback: Touching Viruses | CETAS.Technology, LLC

  4. You still go to parties. You’re not weird. I’m the girl that talks to the wall about those things, lol!

  5. Pingback: Weekly Intelligencer | CETAS.Technology, LLC

  6. Pingback: TWiV 322: Postcards from the edge of the membrane

  7. Pingback: It’s the virus season! But what are viruses anyway and what to do about it? - Teamweek Blog

  8. Dr. Racaniello, thank you so much. but I have a question. Can we join the exam or can we know both the question and the answer of each exam, so that we can test by ourselves. Thank you

  9. Samuel Fernando

    Now in the Chinese I temporarily can not find the virological course, can come here to learn

  10. Thank you for sharing the course with the public! In my university, the virology course isn’t available until fourth year, but I’ve always been dying to learn about viruses. I initially started listening to TWiV but found that I need more foundational knowledge to be able to understand the papers better. This course has been extremely interesting, helpful and have encouraged me to consider a future career in virology. Again, thanks so much!

  11. Hi Professor Racaniello, I have a quick question about a times article I read yesterday. The author, Mcneil writes (in reguards to an increase in reported H5N1 cases in Egypt): “Virologists have long feared that the highly lethal virus will mutate to become more transmissible among humans”.. I don’t believe that this is true because in our past discussions of Ebola, Influenza, Bats and Ferrets we learned that viruses don’t readily change their mode of transmission and even if they do the pathogenicity of the virus is affected. I am I correct , Or is true that virologists are very concerned about H5N1 become more transmissible?

  12. Pingback: Virology for planet Earth

  13. Pingback: Viruses and Diabetes? | Elaina Hancock

  14. Pingback: Principles of Virology, Fourth Edition

  15. Hi Dr.Racaniello, I am currently taking the flipped class at FGCU, finding your website has been of wonderful use to my classmates and i, and being able to print out the lectures help us follow along. I do have a question for you, where can I find your first study guides? Our professor is making up her own exams but I feel like it would be useful to read your study guides and maybe the old test.

    Thank you
    Eleisia G

  16. Pingback: Earth’s virology course for 2016

  17. Pingback: TWiV 377: Chicken with a side of Zika | This Week in Virology

  18. Pingback: Understanding viruses

  19. Pingback: Twenty-five lectures in virology

  20. Pingback: Vincent Racaniello: Earth’s Virology Professor – People, Peas and Pathogens

  21. Pingback: Virology lectures

  22. Pingback: Viruses: they’re not all bad – People, Peas and Pathogens

  23. Pingback: LOTS Episode 16: Paul Andersen – Life of the School

  24. Pingback: TWiEVO 16: Breaking in the making of genes | This Week in Evolution

  25. Pingback: Twenty-five lectures in virology for 2017

  26. Pingback: Twenty-five lectures in virology for 2017 - Virology

  27. Pingback: Twenty-five lectures in virology for 2017 - VETMEDICS

  28. Pingback: TWiV 478: A pox on your horse | This Week in Virology

  29. Pingback: TWiV 534: Portal to the METTL | This Week in Virology

  30. Pingback: No primer needed

  31. Pingback: VIROLOGY - Initiate

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