
Zika Virus in the USA

On this episode of Virus Watch we cover three Zika virus stories: the first human trial of a Zika virus vaccine, the first local transmission of infection in the United States, and whether the virus is a threat to participants in the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.

TWiV 401: Vector victorious

Zika virus spreads in the USA, a Zika virus DNA vaccine goes into phase I trials, and how mosquito bites enhance virus replication and disease, from the friendly TWiFolk Vincent, Dickson, Alan, and Kathy. You can find TWiV #401 at, or listen below. [powerpress url=”″] Click arrow to play Download TWiV 401 (86 MB .mp3, 119 min) Subscribe (free): iTunes, RSS, email …

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TWiV 400: Harold ‘400’ Varmus, a scientist for all seasons

The TWiV team is together in New York City for a conversation with Nobel Laureate Harold Varmus about his remarkable career in science. You can find TWiV #400 at, or listen/watch below. [powerpress url=”″] Click arrow to play Download TWiV 400 (101 MB .mp3, 139 min) Subscribe (free): iTunes, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV!

Antibodies aid dengue and Zika virus infection

Flaviviruses are unusual because antibodies that cross-react with different viruses can enhance infection and disease. This property, called antibody-dependent enhancement or ADE, has been documented to occur among the four serotypes of dengue virus. It has implications for infection with or vaccination against Zika virus or dengue virus. Earlier this year (virology blog link) it was …

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