TWiV 415: Ebola pipettors and the philosopher’s clone

Jeremy Luban, Aaron Lin, and Ted Diehl join the TWiV team to discuss their work on identifying a single amino acid change in the Ebola virus glycoprotein from the West African outbreak that increases infectivity in human cells. You can find TWiV #415 at, or listen below. [powerpress url=”″] Click arrow to play Download TWiV 415 (67 MB …

TWiV 415: Ebola pipettors and the philosopher’s clone Read More »


TWiEVO 5: Looking at straw colored fruit bats through a straw

On episode #5 of the science show This Week in Evolution, Sara Sawyer and Kartik Chandran join Nels and Vincent to talk about how the filovirus receptor NPC1 regulates Ebolavirus susceptibility in bats. You can find TWiEVO #5 at, or you can listen below. [powerpress url=”″] Click arrow to play Download TWiEVO 5 (73 MB .mp3, 98 min) Subscribe (free): iTunes, RSS, email

TWiV 314: Einstein goes viral

On episode #314 of the science show This Week in Virology, Vincent travels to Albert Einstein College of Medicine where he speaks with Kartik, Ganjam, and Margaret about their work on Ebolavirus entry, a tumor suppressor that binds the HIV-1 integrase, and the entry of togaviruses and flaviviruses into cells. You can find TWiV #314 at

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