
A virus that controls reproduction

The obligate intracellular bacteria Wolbachia (pictured), which infects 40% of arthropods, can manipulate its host to ensure its maintenance in the population. An example is cytoplasmic incompatibility, which occurs when infected males mate with uninfected females, and causes embryonic lethality (mating with an infected female produces viable offspring). Two Wolbachia genes responsible for this phenotype have been …

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TWiV 419: The selfless gene

The TWiVrific gang reveal how integration of a virophage into the nuclear genome of a marine protozoan enhances host survival after infection with a giant virus. You can find TWiV #419 at, or listen below. [powerpress url=”″] Click arrow to play Download TWiV 419 (64 MB .mp3, 105 min) Subscribe (free): iTunes, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV!

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