
TWiV 241: The ferret looks ill

On episode #241 of the science show This Week in Virology, Vincent, Alan, Rich and Kathy review how human placental trophoblasts confer viral resistance via exosome-mediated delivery of microRNAs, and isolation of the first human influenza virus in 1933. You can find TWiV #241 at

Influenza vaccines for individuals with egg allergy

A CDC (US) advisory committee has recommended the use of FluBlok for individuals with egg allergy: The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted today, 13 to 0, in favor of recommending FluBlok during the 2013-2014 influenza season for vaccination of persons 18 through 49 years of age with egg allergy of any severity. FluBlok …

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Influenza H5N1 x H1N1 reassortants: ignore the headlines, it’s good science

Those of you with an interest in virology, or perhaps simply sensationalism, have probably seen the recent headlines proclaiming another laboratory-made killer influenza virus. From The Independent: ‘Appalling irresponsibility: Senior scientists attack Chinese researchers for creating new strains of influenza virus’; and from ‘Made-in-China killer flu virus’. It’s unfortunate that the comments of several …

Influenza H5N1 x H1N1 reassortants: ignore the headlines, it’s good science Read More »

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