antiviral defense

TWiV 450: Ben tenOever and RNA out

Ben tenOever joins the TWiVoli to discuss the evolution of RNA interference and his lab’s finding that RNAse III nucleases, needed for the maturation of cellular RNAs, are an ancient antiviral RNA recognition platform in all domains of life.   Click arrow to play Download TWiV 450 (58 MB .mp3, 96 min) Subscribe (free): iTunes, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Show …

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TWiV 301: Marine viruses and insect defense

On episode #301 of the science show This Week in Virology, Vincent travels to the International Congress of Virology in Montreal and speaks with Carla Saleh and Curtis Suttle about their work on RNA interference and antiviral defense in fruit flies, and viruses in the sea, the greatest biodiversity on Earth. You can find TWiV #301 at

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