David Tuller

Trial By Error: My Letter to Kate Kelland

By David Tuller, DrPH This morning I sent the following e-mail to Kate Kelland, the Reuters reporter who wrote last week's story about horrible patients and horrible me, and about how all this horribleness is affecting Professor Michael Sharpe. I cc'd Professor Racaniello and the two Reuters editors listed on ...

Trial By Error: My Letter to Professor Hotopf About Bristol’s School Absence Study

By David Tuller, DrPH Matthew Hotopf is a professor of general medicine psychiatry at King's College London. He served as a peer-reviewer for a study by Bristol University investigators that was published in BMJ Open in 2011. The study involved whether school absences could be used to identify cases of ...

Trial By Error: Cochrane’s Report on Courtney’s Complaint

By David Tuller, DrPH Update: When I posted earlier today, I also meant to update what was happening with the exercise review. On March 8, Cochrane announced, through a notice appended to the review, that the authors would submit another revision in May. (Cochrane has already rejected a previous revision ...

Trial By Error: Kaiser Permanente Changes Course

By David Tuller, DrPH Over the years, I’ve slammed U.S. medical and health care institutions that have championed the GET/CBT treatment paradigm for the illness or cluster of illnesses variously known as ME, CFS, ME/CFS or CFS/ME. I have done this both before and after the U.S. Centers for Disease ...

Trial By Error: Stupid Studies

By David Tuller, DrPH Boy, it’s hard to keep up with all the stupid studies coming out! But that’s no reason not to take a look at a couple of them. (In both cases, I'm just making a few comments. Much more could be said about each of these studies. ...
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