David Tuller

Trial By Error: My Follow-Up Freedom-of-Information Request to Oxford Health

By David Tuller, DrPH Given that Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust has removed the coronavirus-and-fatigue pamphlet containing the antidiluvian medical advice, I have sent a freedom-of-information request to follow up on one I sent the other day. ********** Dear FOI office: I am a public health researcher and journalist at the University ...

Trial By Error: Oxford Health Blinks, Removes Pamphlet on Post-COVID Illness

By David Tuller, DrPH In this traumatic time, small victories should be savored. Last week, I noticed a tweet from patient and advocate Tom Kindlon about a pamphlet from the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, the entity that oversees NHS services in the Oxford region. Other patients and advocates also ...

Trial By Error: My FOI Letter about Oxford’s Post-COVID-19 Fatigue Pamphlet

If you appreciate this piece and/or my work in general, here's a link to my current UC Berkeley crowdfunding effort: https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/project/20159 ********** By David Tuller, DrPH As I reported yesterday (oops!--it was Thursday, not yesterday--this is a correction made a few minutes after posting!), the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, which ...

Trial By Error: A Follow-Up to the Follow-Up Letter to Mahana

By David Tuller, DrPH On the Mahana Therapeutics website, Robert Paull, the CEO and co-founder, explains in a statement that his personal interest in developing treatments for GI problems arose out of the longtime suffering of a family member. His account is heartfelt and compelling. Unfortunately, Mr Paull and his ...

Trial By Error: Oxford-NHS Recommends GET/CBT for Post-COVID “CFS” Patients

If you appreciate this piece and/or my work in general, here's a link to my current UC Berkeley crowdfunding effort: https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/project/20159 ********** By David Tuller, DrPH Since the coronavirus epidemic hit, people with ME have been concerned about the possibility of a secondary wave of post-COVID-19 cases of prolonged disease--especially given ...
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