David Tuller

Trial by Error: Tack’s Take on BMJ’s CBT-Music Therapy “Feasibility Study”

By David Tuller, DrPH I have always made it clear that I pay attention when smart patients assess bad research. That's how I stumbled into this whole mess in the first place--by reading what patients were writing about the PACE trial. (In that case, I at first dismissed the concerns ...

Trial By Error: My Letter to Peer Reviewer of BMJ’s CBT-Music Therapy Paper

By David Tuller, DrPH I have recently written a few posts--here, here and here--about a study in BMJ Paediatrics Open that appears to be marred by multiple methodological and ethical problems. This is certainly not a one-time occurrence when it comes to BMJ journals. Last week, I sent a letter to the study's ...

Trial By Error: My Letter to Senior Author of Norway’s CBT-Music Therapy Study

By David Tuller, DrPH In the past week, I have written three posts about a Norwegian study of cognitive behavior therapy plus music therapy for adolescents with chronic fatigue after acute Epstein-Barr virus infection--an illness known as mononucleosis in the US and glandular fever in the UK. The corresponding author ...

Trial By Error: Norway’s Double Whammy of Fuzzy Science

By David Tuller, DrPH Norway's got a double whammy going on. First there's the group of investigators that seems to have had trouble determining whether their newly published research on CBT and music therapy was an actual randomized trial or merely a feasibility study. (More on that below.) Then we ...

Trial By Error: More Strangeness with that Norwegian CBT/Music Therapy Study

By David Tuller, DrPH In a well-designed clinical trial, the protocol, the registration and the statistical analysis plan should complement and not contradict each other. Investigators spend huge amounts of time developing clinical trial protocols. These are road-maps to the project, complete with (hopefully) well thought-out and clearly defined primary and ...
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