David Tuller

Trial By Error: The Long COVID Survival Guide and the Role of Patients in Research

By David Tuller, DrPH"The Long COVID Survival Guide: How to Take Care of Yourself and What Comes Next—Stories and Advice from Twenty Long-Haulers and Experts" is pretty much what it sounds like. The anthology was published earlier this month, and each chapter is written by one or more contributors. The ...

Trial By Error: More on that New York Magazine Piece Pushing Psychogenic View of ME/CFS and Long Covid

By David Tuller, DrPH So getting back to that long, ill-informed and poorly reported New York Magazine article on the purportedly psychogenic nature of both long Covid and ME/CFS...I responded in a twitter thread to the article’s misrepresentations of my criticisms about the PACE trial. The journalist, a science writer ...

Trial By Error: Recent News Articles Highlight Post-Exertional Malaise

By David Tuller, DrPHA few prominent news articles have recently drawn welcome attention to the links and overlaps between ME/CFS and long Covid. One key overlap is the core ME/CFS symptom generally known as “post-exertional malaise” (PEM). This term is so embedded in conversations in the ME and ME/CFS worlds ...

Trial By Error: Norwegian CBT/GET Ideologues Take Aim at Critics Who Reject Their Views

By David Tuller, DrPH [*See correction in third paragraph] Three Norwegian researchers recently published an attack on critics of cognitive behavior therapy and graded exercise therapy as treatments for ME. The article, called “Facts and Myths about ME,” was published by the news organization Aftenposten. The authors, from the Scandinavian ...

Trial By Error: The 7th Anniversary of My Expose About the Fraudulent–i.e. Misleading, Deceptive–PACE Trial

By David Tuller, DrPH *October is crowdfunding month at UC Berkeley. If you like my work, consider making a tax-deductible donation to Berkeley’s School of Public Health to support the Trial By Error: project: https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/project/33528 This month marks the seventh anniversary of Virology Blog’s publication of my 15,000-word investigation of the ...
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