David Tuller

Trial By Error: GET Ideologues Try to Rebut Muscle Abnormality Study–and Fail

By David Tuller, DrPH It is a pleasure to read a pointed and effective smack-down of an ill-informed argument, especially when the argument is pushing the graded exercise therapy/cognitive behavior therapy (GET/CBT) paradigm for ME/CFS, Long Covid and related illnesses. That’s how I felt about the excellent rebuttal this week ...

Some Things I’ve Read Recently…in STAT, The Sick Times, Van Der Zee’s Blog

By David Tuller, DrPH Embedding ME/CFS in NIH's RECOVER initiative Ian Lipkin is a well-known professor of epidemiology at Columbia University and director of the Center for Solutions for ME/CFS, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). In a recent opinion piece for STAT, he and ME/CFS patient ...

Trial By Error: My Article on the Cochrane Mess in The Sick Times

By David Tuller, DrPH In November, 2023, journalists Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis launched The Sick Times, a publication whose tagline is “chronicling the Long Covid crisis.” Since then, the publication has diligently tracked the political and medical developments of this post-pandemic pandemic and has become a go-to source for ...

Trial By Error: Professor Edwards’ Letter to BMJ on the Cochrane Mess

By David Tuller, DrPH The Cochrane mess, which I wrote about the other day, is threatening to take on a life of its own. Perhaps Cochrane thinks the fuss over the big Christmas “fuck you” it delivered to members of the ME/CFS community will blow over quickly. That could happen, ...

Trial By Error: Norwegian Long Covid Rehab Trial Misrepresents Clinically Insignificant Findings As “Effective”

By David Tuller, DrPH If the results for a trial’s primary outcome do not meet the threshold for what is considered a “clinically significant” benefit, it goes without saying—or at least it should--that investigators have no legitimate grounds for promoting their intervention as “effective.” This is especially true when the ...