David Tuller
Trial By Error: Cochrane Update, and Caroline Struthers’ Latest Letter
By David Tuller
By David Tuller, DrPH The situation at Cochrane appears to remain fluid. Last week, the organization posted a notice that it is seeking a new editor-in-chief. The current occupant of the position, Dr David Tovey, is leaving in May. Dr Tovey has been at Cochrane for a decade, so this ...
Trial By Error: Letters to Fiona Godlee and Nigel Hawkes
By David Tuller
By David Tuller, DrPH This morning, I sent the following message to Dr Fiona Godlee, editor-in-chief of The BMJ and editorial director of BMJ. The subject heading: "My remaining concerns..." ***** Dear Fiona, Thank you for the quick changes to Nigel Hawkes€™ BMJ news story about the UK Heath Research ...
Trial By Error: Professor Sharpe’s Retraction Requests
By David Tuller
By David Tuller, DrPH After this month’s release of the Health Research Authority’s PACE analysis, Professor Michael Sharpe sent e-mails to at least two US publications requesting a retraction or major correction of critical articles. Professor Sharpe’s e-mails accused the writers involved of suggesting that PACE was fraudulent. This accusation ...
Trial By Error: Spotila’s Take on NIH Grant Reviewers
By David Tuller
By David Tuller, DrPH Because of various developments in the UK and elsewhere, I've neglected goings-on back home. I'm working on a couple of things now but in the meantime I decided to post something typically insightful that Jennie Spotila published last week on her blog, Occupy M.E. It's a ...
Trial By Error: Re-visiting My Questions for PACE Professors
By David Tuller
By David Tuller, DrPH I thought it might be helpful to re-post a list of questions I wanted to ask Professor White and his PACE colleagues in September, 2015--more than a month before Virology Blog posted the first installment of "Trial By Error: The Troubling Case of the PACE Chronic ...