This Week in Virology

TWiV 633: Singapore viral

From DukeNUS Medical School, Vincent speaks with Ashley, Sheemei, Eng Eong and Dahai about their careers and their research on flaviviruses and sensing of viral RNA. Click arrow to playDownload TWiV 633 (56 MB .mp3, 93 min)Subscribe (free): iTunes, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Show notes at

TWiV 631: Lots of eggs in the spike basket

Vincent, Rich, and Brianne discuss a study estimating the fraction of symptoms and severe disease after SARS- CoV-2 infection, cellular immune responses without seroconversion during interfamilial infections, and answer listener email. Click arrow to playDownload TWiV 631 (72 MB .mp3, 119 min)Subscribe (free): iTunes, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Show notes at

TWiV 629: Coronavirus update, pandemic sitrep

Daniel Griffin provides a clinical update on COVID-19, including analysis of the dexamethasone trial, and then we discuss two Ebolavirus outbreaks in DRC, clinical and virological aspects of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections, age-dependent effects on transmission, and answer listener email. Click arrow to playDownload TWiV 629 (95 MB .mp3, 158 min)Subscribe (free): iTunes, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Show notes …

TWiV 629: Coronavirus update, pandemic sitrep Read More »

TWiV 626: Ralph Baric and fancy ferrets

Daniel Griffin provides a clinical update on COVID-19, then Ralph Baric joins TWiV to discuss SARS-CoV-2 transmission, vaccines, diagnostic tests, and a new animal model from his laboratory that does not use transgenic mice. Click arrow to playDownload TWiV 626 (98 MB .mp3, 163 min)Subscribe (free): iTunes, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Show notes at

TWiV 625: Fred Murphy, virologist for all seasons

Vincent and Rich visit Fred Murphy to hear about his wide-ranging career in virology, spanning many institutions, involving dangerous viruses like rabies virus, Ebolavirus (he took that famous iconic image), Marburg virus, Lassa virus, coronaviruses, and later writing a history of the field. Click arrow to playDownload TWiV 625 (60 MB .mp3, 100 min)Subscribe (free): iTunes, Google Podcasts, RSS, email …

TWiV 625: Fred Murphy, virologist for all seasons Read More »

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