
Virologia en Español Clase #7 €“ Replicación de Virus con Genoma de DNA

En esta sesión discutiremos como los virus con genoma de DNA replican sus ácidos nucleícos. Consideraremos las enzimas y otras proeteínas que participan en la síntesis del DNA viral y los retos que imponen las distintas topologías de los genomas de DNA (DNA linear de cadena sencilla, DNA circular de doble cadena y DNA linear …

Virologia en Español Clase #7 €“ Replicación de Virus con Genoma de DNA Read More »

Fouchier vs the Dutch government on influenza H5N1 research

From Martin Enserink at ScienceInsider: Virologist Ron Fouchier has suffered a loss in a legal battle with the Dutch government over the publication of his controversial H5N1 influenza research. On Friday, a Dutch district court ruled that the government was right to ask Fouchier to obtain an export license before sending two hotly debated papers …

Fouchier vs the Dutch government on influenza H5N1 research Read More »

De-discovering pathogens: Viral contamination strikes again

Do you remember the retrovirus XMRV, initially implicated as the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, and later shown to be a murine virus that contaminated human cells grown in mice? Another virus thought to be associated with human disease has recently been shown to be a contaminant, derived from a piece of laboratory plasticware that …

De-discovering pathogens: Viral contamination strikes again Read More »

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