
Cosavirus – a new human picornavirus

The WHO strategy to eradicate poliomyelitis depends upon immunization of every child under 5 years of age, and nationwide AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) surveillance to identify cases of poliomyelitis. A laboratory network then determines whether AFP is caused by poliovirus. Recently a new member of the picornavirus family was identified in children with non-poliovirus AFP. …

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Ebola virus glycoprotein antagonizes tetherin

The innate response to virus infection is a marvel: when confronted with an invading microbe, it responds rapidly by producing interferons and other cytokines which establish an antiviral state. Its effectiveness is underscored by the fact that every viral genome must encode countermeasures that modulate its activity. A recent paper in PNAS adds another mechanism …

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TWiV #18: Can a virus make you fat?

On This Week in Virology #18, Vincent, Dick, and Alan discuss adenovirus type 36 and obesity, new influenza antiviral drugs, viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus of fish, and Ebola virus in pigs and pig farmers in the Phillipines. Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiV #18

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