Basic virology

Phages corkscrew along bacterial flagella

Viruses that infect eukaryotic cells typically bind to a plasma membrane receptor to initiate the reproduction cycle. Attachment of bacteriophages to bacterial cells is more diverse. Some attach to bacterial outer membrane proteins, while others attach to appendages such as pili or flagella. How viruses move from the flagella to the bacterial cell surface is …

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Neurotropism of enterovirus D68 is not a recently acquired property

with Amy Rosenfeld Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) was first isolated from children with respiratory disease in 1962. No outbreaks of infection were detected until the late summer and early fall of 2014, and then in 2016 and 2018. During these epidemics of respiratory disease, some children developed polio-like paralysis. We have recently published a paper showing …

Neurotropism of enterovirus D68 is not a recently acquired property Read More »

Wild poliovirus type 3 declared eradicated

Today, on World Polio Day, wild poliovirus type 3 has been declared eradicated by a commission of the World Health Organization. The last case of type 3 poliomyelitis was recorded in 2012 in Nigeria. Because wild poliovirus type 2 was declared eradicated in 2015, now only wild poliovirus type 1 continues to circulate, causing paralysis …

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