Threading the NEIDL

Join the TWiV team for a one-hour documentary offering a rarely seen behind-the-scenes view of a biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory. Produced by MicrobeWorld of the American Society for Microbiology and Boston University School of Medicine.

Threading the NEIDL from microbeworld on Vimeo.

21 thoughts on “Threading the NEIDL”

  1. Pingback: TWiV 223: EEEV and the serpent

  2. Pingback: Hemorrhagic fever virus missing from BSL-4 laboratory

  3. Pingback: Prominent virologist defends the Chinese Hybrid H5N1-H1N1 research, calls it ‘good science’ - The Global Dispatch

  4. Pingback: Prominent virologist defends the Chinese Hybrid H5N1-H1N1 research, calls it ‘good science’ - The Global Dispatch

  5. Pingback: Threading the NEIDL – the trailer

  6. CPE = cytopathic effects. The changes that a cell undergoes when infected with a virus. This can be cell death, detachment from the culture dish, morphological changes, and much more.

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    Я русский, я супер иммунитет к гриппу. Я работаю на лучшего дистрибьютора газет в Альметьевске, я иду по городу продают газету на 15 лет.Гриппа боятся людей, которые занимаются спортом на свежем воздухе. Не больна сахарным диабетом другого типа пить много воды.Гриппа не любит людей, которые пьют много воды. Я предлагаю, чтобы сделать лекарство от гриппа на основе моей крови. телефон 79046762574

  9. What is this Rishat guy doing on this site?? I’ve seen him peddle his super-blood elsewhere! Please, may we have some moderation? This is an excellent blog.

  10. Pingback: Bat SARS-like coronavirus, influenza and NEIDL: ‘What’s New on Virology Blog?’ - The Global Dispatch

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