The alphanumeric soup known as influenza

Robert Herriman, co-founder of The Global Dispatch, recently started a radio show called Outbreak News This Week. Robert calls the show €œYour source for all the news about worms and germs€. He covers the latest news and information about infectious diseases and often includes interviews with expert guests. The show can be heard live Saturday mornings at 7:30 am EST on on The Tan Talk Radio Network: 1340 AM WTAN Clearwater, 1350 AM WDCF Dade City and 1400 AM WZHR Zephyrhills. You can also listen online.

I have been a frequent guest on Robert’s Outbreak News This Week, most recently this past Saturday, when we had a broad-ranging conversation about influenza virus. We also managed to squeeze in a few words about my favorite virus, poliovirus, and India’s success in remaining polio-free for three years. Listen below.


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