TWiV 158: Wolverines go viral

poliovirus + CD155Hosts: Vincent RacanielloRich Condit, Alice Telesnitsky, and Kathy Spindler

Vincent and Rich visit the Microbiology and Immunology Department at the University of Michigan Medical School, and speak with Alice and Kathy about their work on HIV genome dimerization, and packaging and pathogenesis of mouse adenovirus.

Model of poliovirus bound to CD155 made by Stefan Taube.

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Weekly Science Picks

Alice – Banvard’s Folly by Paul S. Collins
Kathy – The world at seven billion
RichThe Princess Bride
Vincent – Center for the history of microbiology

Listener Pick of the Week

TimDead Ends to Somewhere by Richard L. Ward
DonBen Goldacre: Battling bad science (TED)

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2 thoughts on “TWiV 158: Wolverines go viral”

  1. david thanks for the thorough in depth article on ME/CFS

    vinnie thanks for letting him use this space to post it.

    i like many in the me/cfs community am in a deep state of mourning.   despite all the issues over the past 2 years w mikovizt and wpi, we still had hope that she would help us; bring us treatment; give us back some of our lives.   right now we feel left with nothing. (personally i did not care abt xmrv, what i care abt is getting well and living life again; just like i do not care what you call this disease as long as the medical world takes it seriously and starts to treat it that way!!!)

    even though there is loads of research going on….we know where none of it stands; is it good for us or will we end up shelved as loonies again.  at least judy and wpi believed that we were truly sick and were trying to help us.

    i think david believes this too, so thank you, david.

    vr you are still a mystery to many of us.   we do not understand if you care abt us or not, so we do not trust your motives.   for our sake i hope you do want to find a treatment and want us to regain our health; just as i hope lipkin and all others currently involved want this….but after what we have just experienced, trust is and hope are very hard to find and hold on to these days.

    i wish lipkin and or the CFI could come out with a stmt re: where they stand on the various research projects… give the severely ill some hope before we enter the difficult period of the holidays…..a time where we miss even more stuff than normal…’s a depressing time for healthy ppl, imagine how it feels to be sick in bed when your whole family is enjoying the holidays……it is very SAD!!!!

    Barack Obama and his cronies write me every week asking for money or some type of action……i will not participate in his reelection ( i am a life long democrat- who is scorned by her country because she has a disease that the medical establishment does not understand)) until his administration does something concrete to show that this disease is being taken seriously be the US govt.  If the Norwegian Govt can apologize to it’s ppl and run clinical trials, why can’t the USA and the CDC or NIH do the same.  Get the f—– out of iran and afghanistan and start helping your own ppl…….

    VR and DT please keep using your media platforms to spread the word about this disease and the realness of its horrendousness and the suffering of the ppl ill with the disease.

    thanks, Lisa

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