TWiV 116: Cocaine, colonies, and chickens

hive and feeding bottlesHosts: Vincent RacanielloAlan Dove, and Rich Condit

On episode #116 of the podcast This Week in Virology, Vincent, Dickson, Alan, and Rich review an adenovirus-based vaccine strategy against drug addiction, a field trial of RNAi to prevent Israeli acute paralysis virus infection in honeybees, and suppression of avian influenza transmission in transgenic chickens.

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Links for this episode:

Weekly Science Picks

Dickson – Brian Deer’s investigation of the Wakefield and MMR vaccine
Rich –
Photographic periodic table of the elements
Alan – Year of the bat (site one and site two)
Vincent – EteRNA (NY Times article)

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3 thoughts on “TWiV 116: Cocaine, colonies, and chickens”

  1. I still liked my title suggestion better: “Blow, Bees, and Bird Flu.” But I understand your decision to make it a bit more formal.

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