Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier

On episode 9 of the podcast “This Week in Parasitism”, Vincent and Dickson move on to protozoan parasites with a discussion of the early history of malaria..
[powerpress url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/twip/TWiP009.mp3″]
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TWiP is brought to you by the American Society for Microbiology at Microbeworld.org.
Links for this episode:
- Malaria history at CDC
- Radio New Zealand show on hookworms (thanks James!)
- Tapeworm brain infection serious health concern (thanks Jim!)
- Pig farmers try to limit pork tapeworm spread (thanks Gopal!)
- Bizarre tongue-eating fish parasite (thanks Arsen!)
- Letters read on TWiP 9
Download TWiP #9 (59 MB .mp3, 82 minutes)
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