10 thoughts on “Virology lecture #3: Genomes and genetics”

  1. I “just” graduated in biotechnology / animal care and received a job at the University of Ghent at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department for Virology. I'm a total freshmen to virology tough as i never got this or immunology to get my grade.. All i knew till few days ago was the fact they 'take over' the cell to create there own dna and i felt a bit undergraduated amongst all the vets and virologists in the lab. By this I want to thank you for posting these online classes to make me understand how a virus 'works' or as u like it, reacts.

  2. How do circoviridae and parvoviridae DNA in the infected cell segregated so that the majority of the virions package + strand DNA?

  3. someone please count the student-coughs during the audios and make a chart !
    Use this for practical virology = ARI-surveillance

  4. Circo- and parvo- and geminiviruses (-viridae is a taxonomic term; just write – viruses in common usage) all have ss+- sense DNA – which they make via a replicative intermediate which is fully double-stranded, by means of a rolling-circle mechanism. Mutant genomes which do not make coat protein, also do not accumulate ssDNA – meaning CP is involved in the process, probably by recognition of the transiently ssDNA immediately after displacement from the RI.


  5. Ed, I'd be happy to send the lectures on a CD. I could also send all
    the episodes of TWiV. If you're interested, email me with an address.
    My pleasure.

  6. Circo- and parvo- and geminiviruses (-viridae is a taxonomic term; just write – viruses in common usage) all have ss+- sense DNA – which they make via a replicative intermediate which is fully double-stranded, by means of a rolling-circle mechanism. Mutant genomes which do not make coat protein, also do not accumulate ssDNA – meaning CP is involved in the process, probably by recognition of the transiently ssDNA immediately after displacement from the RI.


  7. Ed, I'd be happy to send the lectures on a CD. I could also send all
    the episodes of TWiV. If you're interested, email me with an address.
    My pleasure.

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