Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dick Despommier, Alan Dove, and Jennifer Drahos

In episode #45 of the podcast “This Week in Virology”, Vincent, Dick, Alan, and Jennifer Drahos tackle the Hendra virus disease outbreak in Australia, AIDS-like disease in wild chimps, return of polio type 2 in Nigeria, the influenza pandemic wave, and rabies in three countries.
[powerpress url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/twiv/TWiV045.mp3″]
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Links for this episode:
Hendra virus killing horses in Australia
AIDS-like disease in wild chimps [NY Times]
Polio type 2 returns in Nigeria
Influenza pandemic wave [Branswell]
Rabies in Ukraine, South Africa, and USA
Cell phones turned into fluorescent microscopes [Thanks, Jim!]
HIV-1 vaccine trial in South Africa [Thanks Duncan!]
Forum discussion on flu vaccine [Thanks James!]
The Brain Science Podcast [Thanks Jim!]
WHO note on H1N1 vaccine safety
CDC information on H1N1 vaccines
Hans Christian Orsted
Weekly Science Picks
Jennifer Art of Science 2009
Vincent Nobel Intent
Dick Diversity of Life by EO Wilson
Alan MediaWiki (install tips)
Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to twiv@microbe.tv or leave voicemail at Skype: twivpodcast