Paul Has Measles

Susana López, Martha Yocupicio, Selene Zárate, virologists from Mexico, together with graphic illustrator Eva Lobatón, have teamed up to produce Paul Has Measles, a children’s book about viruses and vaccines.

Paul Has Measles is available as a free pdf in 16 languages. It may also be purchased as a Kindle or paperback edition at Amazon:

The Spanish and English versions are also available as videos (Spanish: YouTube link, English: YouTube link).

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7 thoughts on “Paul Has Measles”

  1. Thank you for sharing the beautifully written and illustrated educational children’s book. I will definitely share!

  2. Pingback: Should Catholics be pro or anti vaccination? | Catholicism and Adventism

  3. Pingback: TWiV 521: Spitting in the Allee | This Week in Virology

  4. Pingback: Paul Has Measles – Virology

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